Get Involved
FHO is committed to housing justice, aiming for a future where everyone has a safe, affordable place to call home.
Whether a funder’s core mission is education, health, workforce development, anti-poverty, social justice, or the environment, housing is foundational to outcomes across the issues on which we work. FHO is comprised of a range of funders—including those with a national, regional, and local focus.
Join a powerful collaborative of funders creating change.
We know that systems change doesn’t happen quickly or easily. No one funder can have the kind of impact required to transform our housing system and unravel centuries of embedded racism. But we also know that when we learn and act together—guided by the wisdom of the people closest to the problem—funders have the potential and power to shift the field toward transformative solutions.
Collective influence: Catalyze forward-thinking grantmaking practices and approaches and collectively fund strategic projects that advance housing justice at a larger scale for greater impact.
Structural change: Foster collaboration across the field and help redesign the systems that continue to determine how land is used, how communities are developed, and who gets to live in thriving places.
Learning: Leverage the expertise of peers, advocates, organizers, and housing practitioners to find out what works in real time and bring new ideas, trends, and strategies back to your foundation.
Networking: Join a network of innovative and strategic peer funders and connect with some of the most progressive thinkers working to advance racial justice through housing.
FHO provides critical resources through our grantmaking to organizations whose work aligns with a collective vision for housing justice.
FHO and our members are trusted advisors to leaders—within and beyond philanthropy—on the nation’s housing funding priorities.
We engage and support deep learning across the housing field as well as ensure key learnings are shared and translated to other sectors.
We align, leverage, and mobilize resources that address key challenges and opportunities in housing.
​FHO’s strength is our diverse and engaged membership. Members attend monthly meetings and participate in committees that plan and support our work. Opportunities for involvement range from sitting on our governing executive committee, to hosting a meeting in your city, to participating in a sub-committee.
The suggested contribution to join the Fund for Housing and Opportunity is between $250,000 - $600,000 or more per year. While these are suggested contributions, please reach out to FHO if there’s a lower limit that fits within your grantmaking parameters.
Participation in FHO should not supplant your organization’s current housing funding—it is meant to be additive; at least 85% of this contribution will be re-granted according to FHO’s three funding priorities.
Participation of 1-2 people on FHO’s Steering Committee, at least one of whom has decision-making authority
Attendance during FHO Triannual meetings, which are held virtually and in-person three times per year.
For more information, please contact:
Jeanne Fekade-Sellassie